Thursday, December 3, 2015


Recently I've been touring homes with a customer who is looking to move.  I am not an inspector but there are some things that raise red flags. One is the type of water pipes used.

Plastic water pipes are convenient for the installer but some systems have a reputation of failures. Although the pipes may appear good, they can actually be rotting from inside out. Chemicals in the water can cause this.

Newer systems use better materials and procedures for installation but if it were my home, I would not have it. I'd rather have good old proven copper.

When shopping for a house, inquire about the type of piping and if plastic, ask if there have been any insurance claims or repairs due to ruptured pipes/fittings.  Inquire also about insuring a property with this system.

The corrosion visible in the photos can be caused by the water according to a professional plumber. "It is because of the water and possibly lack of treatment. Either the treatment system needs servicing or there may not be one in place" says JB.

These photos were of a well water system.

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