Sunday, November 10, 2013

ASBESTOS The Deadly Fiber

Many older homes have asbestos in many of the building materials used in the day. Asbestos is a natural fiber which was used for it's fireproof properties which has been proven to be harmful to health. Nowadays many renovators will assess a dwelling for possible asbestos materials, and have those materials tested for asbestos.

A finding of positive for asbestos is a concern. Depending on the situation, it may or may not be a hazard. If renovationg it is best to leave asbestos abatement to the pros as they have the training and credentials to safly remove and dispose of it.

If you suspect asbestos in your property, do not disturb the offending material. Usually if the material isn't disturbed, it's relatively safe. It's when you disturb the material that fibers can be dislodged and become airborne.

Please see the article from the CRD here. Also, look at the photo of proven asbestos containing materials common in older homes.