Saturday, July 8, 2017

WARNING Your car's tires may be unsafe

I am a car guy. I have known about this issue for a while but just found this MUST VIEW video for you and anyone you know who has a car or is shopping for a car.


Car tires have a "shelf life" of about 5 years. The rubber compound will degrade with time and even though the tread looks good, the tire may be unsafe to use.

All tires have a MANUFACTURE DATE CODE, usually 3 or four digits  inside an oval box on the tire's sidewall. The first two digits are the week code (week of the year) and the third or fourth digits indicate the year made.  0211 would be the second week of 2011 for example

When buying new or used tires, make sure they are within five years old. If you depend on your car for long distance and want reliability and safety, ALWAYS REPLACE THE TIRES WHEN THEY ARE 5-6 YEARS OLD.

When buying new tires insist on FRESH stock. Get that in writing too!

Please watch the Youtube video on this topic.

Looking out for you and yours, Bennett

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