Saturday, October 8, 2022

 The BUILD SHOW....Another fantastic episode for perfectionists who want the best quality in their projects.


"Good details that can be in anybody's house"

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

 Tip when hanging sliding closet doors. The wheels at the top of the door are spring loaded making it difficult to tuck the wheel into the track. Before installing, shim the wheel mechanism out using a spacer. (first photo) Install the door by angling the door toward you while tucking the wheels into the track.(second photo) Remove the spacer. Always do the inside door first.

Friday, May 6, 2022

Is your fridge LEAKING?

 If you find a puddle of water on the floor near your fridge, it could be due to an internal issue in the appliance. Many modern fridges have an automatic defroster built in to keep frost from building up in the freezer compartment. When everything is working as it should, you don't have to think about the fridge's operation.

Trouble arises when the drain tube connecting the freezer tray to another tray near the compressor where the water is supposed to go to, where it evaporates from the heat of the compressor. When the tube gets obstructed, the water overflows into the fridge compartment, collecting under the crisper drawer then eventually over spilling onto the floor.

Locate the tube and use a thin wire to dislodge any debris in the tube. Simple fix and could save hundreds of dollars buying a new fridge.

Monday, April 18, 2022


 This Old House, a U.S.-based TV show celebrating its 40th year! is the place to go when you want the CORRECT information on building practices. 

In this episode, a SCIENTIST explains the process.

Check it out!