NEWS YOU CAN USE, brought to you by ONE GOOD HANDYMAN of
Victoria, B.C.
From End of an oil delivery gone wrong, Times
Colonist November 14/12
Does your house or the one you are considering buying have
an oil tank? If so, how old is it?
Old oil tanks and lines actually rust from the inside-out
and may not show signs of corrosion. Oil tanks last about 15 years says the
article. If oil leaks it can cost a lot to clean up. Cleanups can range from
$48,000 to $250,000. In some cases, such as the house featured in the article,
the house has to be torn down ($750,000 replacement cost!).
Some insurance companies will not offer spill insurance to
homes with a tank older than 15 years.
A new tank costs about $1500. Double walled tanks are recommended.
Some tanks were buried and you may not even know it’s there. Buried tanks that
leak can cause severe and expensive environmental damage and the cost of
cleanup is the property’s responsibility.
CBC NEWS, Dec 12/12
Have your yard scanned for underground tanks…which were
placed prior to 1961
Corry Hughes of Victoria Tank Service
On a separate issue, water heaters are also vulnerable to
corrosion. If your tank is nearing 10 years, have it inspected or replace
it. Also, make sure there is a drain
pan under the tank or a nearby floor drain to evacuate water should the tank